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Working Together to Secure Success

About Us

As a Multi-Academy Trust founded on existing school partnerships in Yorkshire, we are proud of what we have achieved so far and excited about the future. Our aim is to constantly strive to support the development of lifelong independent learners in a child centred and inclusive Trust. We believe that this can only be achieved by building strong partnerships so that schools within Yorkshire are able to draw on the very best practice, wherever that may lie, and share expertise across the Trust.

The Collaborative Learning Trust places children at the very centre of everything that we do. The provision of key central services by the Trust enables individual schools to focus even more on providing an outstanding school experience for children and young people – in line with the Trust’s vision.

Benefits with Autonomy

There is no doubt that working together in a formal partnership brings many benefits. At the same time, the Collaborative Learning Trust differs from many Trusts because we also recognise the importance of autonomy. Every school has its own context and challenges, so will need to respond to these specific needs, whilst working towards a shared vision, underpinned by shared values. This is why we have created a Trust that welcomes all schools from across our region. Our legal structure means that church and non-church schools can work together as part of our Trust. This means all types of school will be able to benefit from our high quality central services, school improvement support and access to best practice. All types of school are able to maintain their individual identity. This is what makes the Collaborative Learning Trust so special. Our unique approach was recognised by the Yorkshire Evening Post and the support we provide is recognised as being to key to the success of our schools.

To talk to someone about joining the Collaborative Learning Trust, please email

"We are Ofsted rated outstanding, so had no reason to join other than for the benefits. What could I do as a single headteacher working on my own and what could that look like sharing aspects of school life? The freedom was attractive and how we could work more effectively with the quality of support we do not get from local authorities."