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Joining Us

“Joining The Collaborative Learning Trust has provided sustained support from a range of centralised services, such as finance, lettings and health and safety. I now have access to an increased level of expertise from experienced colleagues who know and care about our school as much as I do, freeing up more of my time for what really matters - teaching and learning.” Headteacher



“Whilst still early days as a member of the Trust, the benefits to the school of being part of a forward-thinking and supportive Trust are increasingly evident. Pupils are already taking advantage of the additional resources within the Trust - such as participating in a recent history-focused drama workshop, led by Prince Henry’s Drama Department, and performed to primary school parents. Work is also well underway to enhance the transition stage from primary to high school,

Opportunities for new staff roles have already arisen and the Trust’s Primary Quality of Education Lead is providing practical support to staff in reaching the school’s improvement targets around the further development of reading and writing.

It feels very much like being part of strong community family where we can work together for the benefit of pupils, staff and the local community alike.” Chair of Governors