ICT Management
The central IT Service is led by the IT Director, who works with the Trust’s IT external provider, currently Adept Education. The IT service includes:
- High level advice, guidance and troubleshooting for infrastructure: Hardware, network, telephony, connectivity & provisioning (separate SLA available for more comprehensive support). To include a site visit at least once every half term.
- High level multi-platform advice, guidance and troubleshooting: Microsoft 365, MIS, Sage, Cloud Services with Multi-Partner Vendor Status.
- Advice and guidance for strategic development of IT: Audit & assessment, methodology & implementation, and support for the development of an IT Development Plan. To include calendared termly reviews of the Development Plan.
- Personnel Development: Upskill & Mentoring of existing ICT Staff Members – CPD.
- Procurement: Best Value assessment of existing and new contracts & services, enhanced buying power across multiple Tier 1 suppliers.
- Remote Monitoring & Support Services: Proactive approach to system maintenance.
- Partner relationship with School’s ICT for Leased Line and Cloud Filtering offering.
- Central IT Helpdesk service to provide expedient resolution.
- 3rd Party Liaison services, acting as Technology intermediary ensuring ownership to resolution.
Trust schools can expect a visit from the Trust IT director at least once per half term to provide strategic and high-level infrastructure and platform support. Where needed, Trust schools are encouraged to subscribe to an additional SLA to provide a weekly ‘on premise’ presence to manage other operational IT matters.