Micklefield C of E Primary Celebrates Good Inspection

A Leeds Primary School once rated as inadequate by OFSTED is celebrating their journey with the Collaborative Learning Trust, after their recent SIAMS report labelled the school as Good. The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) framework asks “How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?”.
Inspectors said: “The school’s Christian vision underpins and sustains developments, securing positive change in the school’s culture and provision. The Trust and the school's governing body, provide rigorous support and challenge to the school. This enables the dedicated and determined school leaders, to implement change and enhance opportunities for all.
A flourishing tree is the school logo and references to growth are seen in all classrooms. These symbols support all to understand and explain how Micklefield is a place where small seeds can grow into something wonderful. This is a key feature of the school’s curriculum. High aspirations for all ensure pupils experience greater challenge and have more opportunities for the development of cultural awareness. Pupils become confident, conscious, community minded citizens. Courageous decisions by leaders ensure that the curriculum now includes access to rich life experiences.
The nurture of pupils and families is a central feature of the school’s practice. Everyone in the school community is treated with love, dignity and respect. Consequently, relationships are strong, with parents knowing that everyone is approachable and will make time to listen and respond. As one parent commented, ‘children at Micklefield are seen as individuals not statistics.’
Pupils state that Micklefield is a ‘welcoming school.’ This is evident in how individual pupils who join the school quickly settle, make friends and are given the strongest possible start.”
Headteacher Emma Cook, who was appointed following the OFSTED judgement to lead the school forward, said “I am so happy that we have received this judgement from SIAMS. It is a real testament to the hard work of all our staff and pupils and the community around our school. As a Christian school, SIAMS judgements are very important to us and it is lovely to see the welcoming atmosphere for children of all faiths and the developments that we have all put in place to take the school forward being recognised in such a positive fashion.”
Janet Sheriff, CEO of the Collaborative Learning Trust (MAT), which Micklefield C of Primary Academy joined in May 2022, was delighted with the report: “I am so pleased for everyone at Micklefield. This has been a real journey for the school over the last year and the efforts of the staff and governors, with support from our Trust Central team, have been deservedly recognised as good. We know that, with this fantastic base to continue building from, the school will continue to grow and flourish.”